Mark students attendance using your mobile application right inside your classroom with instant
notifications to parents for absent or sick students.
03-02-2018 11:08:33
Record Of Marks
Get the power of our dynamic analyics tools for automating grading by class and stream that brings
learning trends on your finger tips
9:12:28 10-11-2017
Books Management
Transfer, Issue, Return, Recieve and Search for books under your custody or in the library.
3:33:12 06-03-2018
Manage and respond to your trouble tickets that are raised by parents in a transparent, efficient and
accountable manner with an auditable trail
5:20:11 4-04-2014
Class Management
Monitor your class performance from tests, execrices and attendance right-down to individual students
2:10:12 4-05-2018
Plan and organise your work using school timetable that is linked to your mobile phone and calendar.
Get your day schedule and remainders of upcoming events from your mobile device